Friday 15 June 2012

WILD 1 with The Royal Academy of Engineering

Next weekend from Friday 22nd to Sunday 24th June I will be participating in the WILD 1 course run by the Royal Academy of Engineering in and around the Dartmoor training centre near Plymouth.

It is an exciting prospect as we have been kept mainly in the dark as to what to expect from the course but I think it will be a great way to meet and network with other engineering students from around the UK with very similar interests to myself, and to gain new skills that I can hopefully implement in my course and in my future career.

The objectives set out by the RAEng and WILD team are to help introduce the concept of leadership and teamwork and bring out our strengths and weaknesses in each field, to introduce us to Dartmoor's dramatic natural beauty and the challenges that it poses, and finally to link in the value of WILD 1 to the values and philosophy of the RAEng.

I have left a link to the WILD course website which shows a bit more about the sort of activities I'll be involved in over the course of the weekend.

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